

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My New Venture!

I am so excited to kick off a new venture with Norwex! I know some will think I am crazy, since I have been down this road before and to tell the truth, I am surprised my self! But the stuff really knocked my socks off and I think it can really be a great asset to any home.

I have never been a real 'green' type of person but when you really think about it, we are living in chemicals! When I heard the stat that stay at home moms are 42% more likely to get cancer because of their daily exposure to household cleaning products I was stunned! So the idea of reducing my family's use of chemicals AND having a superior cleaning product was appealing!

The products are truly amazing- imagine just a towel and plain tap water cleaning all the surfaces in your home of 99.99% of ALL Bacteria, viruses, fungi and more! Now you'll HAVE to come to my kick-of party to see how that could be true!

One of my fave products is a spray that you use to clean fruits and vegies ~ it removes contaminates and extends produce shelf life up to 3 times.

There is so much more to see! I so hope you'll be here on Tuesday, March 16 to let me introduce you to this amazing company. Thank you!!

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